My name is Peter Agapov. I am the owner and founder of American Limo Naperville.
I feel honored that you have taken the
time to visit this website and want to learn a little more about this limousine company and what makes
it so different from all the rest
in the transportation industry!
Hopefully, by sharing the following success story, I can communicate the reasons behind my passion
for both: our country and this company.
I was born in 1979 in Bulgaria (a former satellite of the Soviet Union) and was raised in a post-communist economy
through the tough time of local hyperinflation.
I am absolutely positive that back in 2003, I made the best decision of my life when I moved to the greatest land that has
ever existed on the face of this planet.
A few years ago, somebody told me that being an American is a state of mind rather than a simple description of
somebody who lives in the United States.
That being said, I fully believe, and deep in my heart I feel, that I have been, I still am and I will always be a true American.
It may sound cliche, but I will never forget the terrifying events that took place in New York City on September 11, 2001.
At the time I was still residing in Eastern Europe, but I had the distinct feeling that the
terrorist attacks were not targeting just the United
States, but the concepts of Freedom and Democracy themselves!
Compassion tears were rolling down my face as I was watching the horrifying broadcast on television and I felt
the need to step up and do something about defending those ideals.
I started having patriotic feelings for a country I've never even visited before.
Two years later, I was given the honor most people from around the globe can only dream about: I was invited to work and
live in the United States and therefore I was provided a chance to make a difference in this world. I had absolutely no intention of waisting my time and
after only two months of living in America, I wanted to joing the military, but unfortunately for me, according to the
recruiting officers I visited, I was deemed ineligible and my application was denied. As dissapointing as that was,
I knew that there are other ways of supporting and fighting for the founding ideas of my new homeland and
I decided to dedicate my time and energy to helping our Soldiers and Marines back here at home.
Studying the fathers of motivation and success in the free world: Earl Nightingale and Zig Ziglar, it downed
on me that the only thing people need to do in order to succeed in the home of the brave is... to be brave:
to just keep dreaming and to never give up on those dreams.
There are unlimited opportunites here to be had if you only believe...
My career as a limousine chauffeur started in 2005 under one of the largest and most successful limo companies in Chicagoland:
"My Chauffeur American Limousine" - a division of Carey International Chauffeuring Services. Three years
later, taking advantage of being free and willing to work very hard, I was a proud owner of seven limousines in the
Independent Operator fleet of the same company, supplying work to 10 other drivers.
I was loyal to "My Chauffeur" until the very end
when it collapsed under the pressure of the Great Recession of our time during the worldwide economy downturn in 2009.
Making monthly payments on seven of the most luxurious vehicles ever made on US soil and having
no supply of customers, I was facing bankruptcy.
It would have been the easy way out, but I had already adopted the American Spirit and because of that,
two of my favorite slogans are: NASA's "Failure is not an option" and the US Marines "Death Before Dishonor", so
I decided not to give up and the result was the incorporation of American Limo Naperville.
Now, just a few years later, I proudly state that the Economy Crisis in 2008 surprisingly was the best
thing that has ever happened to me and my business.
Honestly, it wasn't and it still isn't easy, but it is a great success, day after day ever since.
My college education in the field of management and my computer programming skills came to use as I was building
the website and the reservation software out of scratch. Nobody else in the industry has ever had
anything similar to our system, more specifically the automated text messaging capabilities of the virtual dispatching machine that
keeps the drivers in control and, at the same time, informs the customers of their limousine whereabouts, so they can rest assured that the
car will indeed show up on time. Needless to say, the results were almost instant
and today American Limo Naperville doesn't have to compete with the rest, because we are already so far ahead of everybody else.
If you would like to find out what puts us so far ahead of the competition please visit
[TheDifference] section of this website.
You will see that no other company provides such peace of mind and comfort to the customer.
I never took the name American Limo for granted. So many companies would use our dear country's name as their own,
taking full advantage of the patriotic feelings it creates, simply to attract more customers, while
at the same time, they've never done anything to deserve the honor of having this precious word "American"
in their official name. I didn't want to be like them and I wanted to do something that would give me the
moral grounds to incorporate a company listed as American Limo Naperville.
This is exactly how and when my passion for my business and the urging need to defend
the freedom emerged together through the commitment I made to support the brave men and women serving in the US military.
It all started with the promise to donate 10% of all profits to military charities and it evolved in the partnership
with Operation "Welcome You Home" that created the pride of my luxury vehicle fleet:
Marine One Limousine.
Named after the Presidential Helicopter Aircraft the very purpose of this car is to provide comfort, recognition and appreciation
to the Soldiers and Marines returning from a tour of duty in the Middle East.
Ofcourse, those rides are completely free of charge, but there is a lot of emotional value that I receive, because
while participating in the Welcome Home Motorcade Escorts of our Military Heroes, I get to meet, personally thank
and just for a short moment make those brave boys and girls feel the treatment and the honor Our President enjoys every day.
I believe that they have fully earned such moment of glory through all the sacrifices they had to make while defending us and
our freedom.
If you are interested in reading more about Operation "Welcome You Home" and Marine One Limousine or if you'd like
to watch a video footage of our Homecoming Escorts just visit
[ForTheTroops] section of this website.
Because of the monetary donations and the services provided to Operation "Welcome You Home", I was invited to become an honorary
member of the Fox Valley Marine Corps League and back in 2012 was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, The Meritorious Commendation
Ribbon and was given the rank of Marine One Road Captain. As you can already imagine, I am extremely proud of these achievments and
I wear my uniform and medals with much honor, pride and dignity.
Thank you for taking the time to read my success story and thank you for supporting American Limo Naperville!
I hope that I already have you convinced, that you make a difference in somebody's
life each and every time you travel in one of my limousines.
Every day has been a blessing, and every day continues to be an adventure!
Semper Fi!
Marine One Captain Peter Agapov
President and CEO of American Limo Naperville
More info and other interests: Unrelated to the aforementioned subject, Peter Agapov is also recognized in the gamebook community
worldwide as one of the best analysts of branching narrative mechanics. He has written countless articles and scientific documents about
the psychology of gaming as well as the positive effects of interactive storytelling on development of the young mind and their future
success in life.
His work in this field has been translated into a few different languages.
He is currently investing time and financial resources into starting an "escape room" like outdoor games in the local parks